An English male sparrow on the bird feeder in a country garden. What are Sparrows? Sparrows are native to England (as well as other countries) and make their homes in hedgerows in towns, cities, rural areas, fields and woodlands. A male sparrow's black chest and white cheeks, as well as two white stripes above its eyes, identify it as such. In addition to seeds and berries, sparrows consume insects and worms. There are different types of sparrows across the Europe and the United Kingdom, but they are widespread throughout the country. People have been destroying the habitats of Sparrows in the UK, as well as many other bird species, by removing hedgerows and using fence panels around their properties instead. This has been compounded by the introduction of plastic grass that prevents birds like Sparrows from foraging for grubs. Between 1977 and 2008, the Breeding Bird Survey recorded a 71% drop in house sparrows across both rural and urban areas of Britain, if the data are to be tr...